Monday, 15 June 2015

We did it! :)

1965 Freedom Ride Finished :)

We've now finished the freedom ride completely, i feel that the difference we've made is unbelievable. Although we haven't stopped racism completely and that theres still equality i feel we have done the best we can. There are many advantages to the Freedom ride. Some of these are; that
a lot of publicity was made, and  it exposed the discrimination that happens in country towns ( Some of the disadvantages were that it stirred a lot of criticism and it was also criticised by some aboriginal groups (  Despite the negativity there was still some positives. I believe that we should do another and continue to spread the information for equality among the aboriginals. Many aboriginal  communities were grateful that we had took up our own time to benefit them. The smiles on the faces could bring you too tears. I honestly couldn't believe how grateful they were.

Bibliography :)

Monday, 8 June 2015

Moree Blog 3

16th February - 1965 

We have arrived in Moree we are here for two days, we had two demonstrations to do these demonstrations break the council law. In Moree you were not allowed to do many things for eg. If you were aboriginal you could not enter the public pool. This created many arguments and even to the point where fights broke out. There were people being knocked over, eggs being thrown as well as punches towards the protesters. There were many arrests made that day. I think that it needs to change aboriginals are not even seen as  human they are considered apart of the Flora and Fauna of Australia. They are not allowed to vote all we are trying to do is earn the Aboriginals some equality. I hope we got across to somebody today and that it wasn’t just a waste of time.
This image is showing the Aboriginal Children outside the swimming pool that they were not allowed to enter because of there race. 

Monday, 1 June 2015

Walgett.. another eventful time!

We have been doing the freedom ride for about 5 days now. The feeling is surreal! We have just left Walgett and are now heading for Collaranebrei. There were quite a few negatives from this stop. The local returned Services league (RSL) club refused entry to us the aboriginal people, including aboriginal ex servicemen who had participated in world war I and world war II (Anderson, Et, Al, p. 129 2008). Perkins then led the riders in a forming picket line outside the club (Anderson, Et, Al, p. 129 2008) .  When they refused us we were holding posters up saying things like "Aborigines also fought", "Bullets did not discriminate" (Anderson, Et, Al, p. 129 2008). I remember the poster i held up said "Good enough for Tobruk, why not the RSL?". This definitely was the worst day we had yet. I didn't think that we could be refused by the RSL especially if our aboriginals helped fight for the country! I am beginning to really see for myself that our Aboriginal Australians are not being treated right, they have done nothing to be rejected and felt worthless.  I hope that we get a much more positive response from Collaranebrei than we did from Walgett.  We aren't asking for too much we just want justice!
   This is an image that displays the posters that the participants of the freedom ride were holding up