Monday, 7 September 2015

Entry 5

Act 5
Diary Entry 5:

Dearest Diary,

“ A greater power than we can contradict hath thwarted our intents” death, he has shattered our plans, Friar speaks the truth, however I cant register them. He speaks of death as a force he is wrong. Death is a being. You should never play with death because he always catches up with you and I suppose he did. Death is sly and cunning he will grab when you don’t expect it. He waits in the dark weary shadows and pounces when you don’t expect it. Oh Romeo Oh Romeo I love you so much I don’t think I can live with out you.

Entry 4

Act 4
Diary Entry 4:

Dearest Diary,

Perturbed, diary I am very perturbed. What will my beloved Romeo presume, he must be terrified and unsure about everything going on. Oh poor Romeo.  My Mother and Father would see me married to Paris. They should be happy that they will see me wed to a Capulet. I feel unquestionably uneasy about this topic the name Paris being said gives me shivers. I am in love with another man, yet I’m going to marry a man I am not in love me. I do not love him and never will. I am crazy in love with Romeo and nothing can change that.

Entry 3

Act 3
Diary Entry 3:

Dearest Diary,

I’m shattered, I feel like I have been broken into shards of glass that are ripping and stabbing my heart into pieces. Tybalt dead, Romeo is banished. I keep repeating the words in my head until I can no longer pronounce the word correctly, the more I repeat it in my head the more they lose meaning and become a waste of breath. Tybalt is my cousins although he is now a Capulet I cant believe he would murder somebody. I continue to repeat their names until I feel that the grief and heartache vanishes. But I know it hasn’t disappeared, I know it is there piercing through my arteries step by step.  Oh dear diary, what am I to do now? He will forever live in my heart, the pain will always be piercing my heart, he is my whole, my love, my everything, he is mine and I am his. To make matters even more stressful Mother and Father came to day and informed me that in a short while I will be marrying Paris. What am I to do now? I need to get out of this mess. 

Entry 2

Act 2
Diary Entry 2:

Dearest Diary,

Romeo, you name plays through my mind for hours on end. I knew from the moment I heard your name and my eyes looked into yours and the silencing whispers that followed (After in the hallway quote). The hours that continued to follow on, all I could think about was him, Romeo. Speaking his name was like seeing and hearing beautiful rays of sunshine. To think that it was only last night that we met on the balcony. The world feels like it has fallen just how I want it to. My heart is whole and hearing his voice makes me melt and feel warm inside. My mind keeps wandering back to last night on the balcony at Fathers ball. Mother Father, what am I suppose to do, they would definitely see me wed. I am a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague, that should mean that shouldn’t keep us apart should it? Yes it will. But I know I am stronger with him, he makes me feel whole without him I feel like there is a missing piece, like everything is just not right.

Entry 1

Act 1
Diary Entry 1:
Dearest Diary,

I feel positively dizzy, I don’t know whether I should speak to the close confides of your pages, with the possibility of being looked upon by my mother and father. I feel as if my heart cannot hold it, the feeling of love, joy and happiness. What if I burst with the news of being in love? I am in Love! He is a gentleman, a dreamer and my one and only.  Romeo oh Romeo you are the one you fill my mind with positivity you make me feel warm inside. I don’t want these dreams to stay in my mind I want them to be pursued, to be seen.  Carved from the gods he is, pure as diamond is his heart (Maids Quote about Romeo). I love him with all my heart and more; he is mine forever and ever. As soon as I laid eyes and he laid them on me at the Capulet’s ball it was if the world had faded within seconds. That moment will always be close to my heart. Because it was ours, for us.  Although the love I have for him is great but my parents, my family I need them to agree. Its going to be impossible when they are expecting me to marry Paris soon and continue the line. I am not in love with Paris. I am in love with Romeo.

Monday, 15 June 2015

We did it! :)

1965 Freedom Ride Finished :)

We've now finished the freedom ride completely, i feel that the difference we've made is unbelievable. Although we haven't stopped racism completely and that theres still equality i feel we have done the best we can. There are many advantages to the Freedom ride. Some of these are; that
a lot of publicity was made, and  it exposed the discrimination that happens in country towns ( Some of the disadvantages were that it stirred a lot of criticism and it was also criticised by some aboriginal groups (  Despite the negativity there was still some positives. I believe that we should do another and continue to spread the information for equality among the aboriginals. Many aboriginal  communities were grateful that we had took up our own time to benefit them. The smiles on the faces could bring you too tears. I honestly couldn't believe how grateful they were.

Bibliography :)

Monday, 8 June 2015

Moree Blog 3

16th February - 1965 

We have arrived in Moree we are here for two days, we had two demonstrations to do these demonstrations break the council law. In Moree you were not allowed to do many things for eg. If you were aboriginal you could not enter the public pool. This created many arguments and even to the point where fights broke out. There were people being knocked over, eggs being thrown as well as punches towards the protesters. There were many arrests made that day. I think that it needs to change aboriginals are not even seen as  human they are considered apart of the Flora and Fauna of Australia. They are not allowed to vote all we are trying to do is earn the Aboriginals some equality. I hope we got across to somebody today and that it wasn’t just a waste of time.
This image is showing the Aboriginal Children outside the swimming pool that they were not allowed to enter because of there race.